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Dashboard & Reports

Understand all aspects of your ministries


View real time information on engagement, giving, congregant needs, and more. Build your graphs and select which graphs you want to see on your dashboard for a personalized experience showing you what matters most in your role.

church dashboards
church reporting tool


Access over 200 out-of-the box reports, all fully customizable to meet your needs. All of our reports are exportable into a variety of file types, and we love adding new reports often to help make ministry easier for you. The reporting possibilities are endless!

Advanced Search

Search for data across MinistryPlatform to meet your specific needs. Advanced search lets you create and edit personal views that can be shared with other users or user groups, or added as a system view so all users can access it. Build your search to show what you need and add a description so others can also understand.

ministryplatform advanced search


Views show you a filtered list of data on a single page. For example, your view may show all current small groups or any first time visitors for the week. Keep your data clean with views showing duplicate information or missing information, and create notifications so you can take action.