Your MinistryPlatform Live Events have moved to the Community Forum.
(OH! And be sure to check out MPUG!)
“MPUG” is our annual MinistryPlatform User Group. Think of it as the entire MP Community – customers, friends, and partners – getting together to talk “MP.” This gathering is chock full of networking and user discussions, customer wins, awards, and exciting announcements about what our developers have been doing behind the scenes. OH! And prizes.
MPUG is all about users gathering together. It’s a great time to see old friends and make new ones and collaborate with them all. Even if you’re just kicking the tires, we welcome you with open arms – come and get to know our customers and hear about their MinistryPlatform experience directly from them. We’d love to see you there!
And just to clarify: MPUG isn’t training. If you’re looking for training, be sure to hop on over here to find out all of our training offerings.