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How to Talk about Money with Your Church

Few things in ministry are more nuanced than talking about money with your church. 

People hold varying views, opinions, and even resentment related to the church, and money all have an effect on how your teaching and requests around giving will be received. And yet…

Mastering the money talk is essential to growing a vibrant, well-funded ministry. 

We want your ministry to be blessed with abundance, and we want your people to develop a heart of generosity that permeates and improves every area of their lives. That’s why we’ve created this free guide, to help you talk about money at your church in a way that will be fruitful. 

In this guide, you’ll discover how to: 

  • Cast a compelling vision that motivates people to give
  • Connect the dots between giving and life transformation
  • Make it too convenient for people not to give
  • And grow giving at your church! 

Get your church finances on the path toward growth! Download your free copy today. Fill out this form and we’ll send you the PDF!