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kiss normal goodbye

Don’t Settle for Normal Technology Partners Again

Your church’s mission is anything but normal. You’ve been called to reach the lost, feed the hungry, and make disciples. You can’t leave that to just any tech partner. 

You need not normal. 

At ACST, we’ve kicked normal to the curb. Because most of us have experience serving on a local church staff, we get you. We’re passionate about helping churches like you do what God has called you to do.

In our new ministry guide we’ll break down exactly how ACST does this–and what makes us unique.

kiss normal goodbye

This guide shows you:

  • The six ways ACST helps you grow your ministry effectiveness
  • The three things that set us apart from other church tech solutions

Let us show you how good not normal can be.

Download your free guide today!

Preparing Your Church for a Capital Campaign
people holding icons

Preparing For a Capital Campaign

Capital campaigns fail. Avoid the common mistakes and ensure your church’s campaign success by preparing adequately.

This article provides the phases and tools you’ll need to fully prepare your church staff, key volunteers and donors for all that a campaign will entail. Discover the key steps you’ll need to undertake to be certain your church is well-positioned to launch a campaign that will meet its goal.

Preparing Your Church for a Capital Campaign pdf

Download your free guide today!

Effective Donor Engagement for Churches

Effective Donor Engagement for Churches

Unfortunately, givers to other charitable causes or organizations are often treated and thanked more effectively by them than by their own churches. 

No matter where you find yourself as a church in this season – from planning a capital campaign to thanking annual pledge donors –  the hands-on, simple  tools in this article will help you and your staff effectively acknowledge and engage your best givers.

Effective Donor Engagement for Churches guide

Download your free guide today!

Frequently Asked Stewardship Questions

Answers to Frequently Asked Stewardship Questions

Fundraising is part art and part science…and it can feel intimidating for pastors and ministry leaders suddenly charged with donor development.

This article provides answers to the six most commonly-asked questions about stewardship – from the pastor’s role in making an ask of a donor to how frequently we should be asking givers for support.

Frequently Asked Stewardship Questions guide

Download your free guide today!

making change generosity models for the church

Making Change: Generosity Models For The Church

Does your church’s donor engagement plan need a revamp?

These easy-to-implement strategies get their inspiration from the models of generosity we find in scripture. Inspire your staff and your church’s donors by taking a look at best practices in leadership alongside some of the Bible’s most poignant lessons about giving as you freshen your stewardship plans.

making change generosity models for the church guide

Download your free guide today!

What Your Givers Want to Know

What Your Givers Want to Know

Loyal church donors are usually generous to other organizations and charities, too. Those nonprofit causes often do a better job than the church of (1) valuing donors, (2) anticipating and answering their questions, and (3) demonstrating the impact of their giving.

The tools in this article will help you and your staff anticipate – and effectively answer – the questions donors have but aren’t likely to ask you. Explore the six things your givers MOST want to know today.

What Your Givers Want to Know guide

Download your free guide!

Centralizing Data for More Effective Ministry

Centralizing Data For More Effective Ministry

Data. These days data is everywhere. Especially in larger churches. There’s so much information to manage:

  • Families
  • Individuals
  • Attendance
  • Events
  • Small groups
  • Giving


All of this for thousands of names. Keeping up easily feels like a part-time job. Many churches ignore this work, and soon their data becomes a dreaded mess everyone avoids.

Data should be a massive ministry asset, and it starts by centralizing everything into a single, current, easy-to-use system. In this free guide, Centralizing Data for More Effective Ministry, you learn how to go from scattered to streamlined.

Centralizing Data for More Effective Ministry guide

In this guide, you discover:

  • The problems that disappear once you prioritize better data
  • Where most churches go wrong in this process
  • Three simple steps you can take now


Imagine opening your church tech tools and feeling:

  • No more stress about inaccurate information
  • No more uncertainty about if everything is correct
  • No more ambiguity on numbers

This could be your church, and it starts by downloading our free guide today.

Fight for Simplicity as Your Church Grows

Fight For Simplicity As Your Church Grows

Growth is exciting. More people show up, which means more people are reached. 

Having more people involved means complexity creeps in. No one wants this to happen; it’s a byproduct of growth. Without diagnosing this problem, it festers. Ultimately, confusion and complexity reign, making it harder to grow a stronger church. 

Thankfully, after working with tens of thousands of churches, we’ve seen other paths. 

Our latest resource, Fighting for Simplicity as Your Church Grows, shows a path you and your team can follow. 

In this guide, you discover:

  • The symptoms of complexity
  • How most churches get this process wrong
  • Practical ways to introduce simplicity
Fight for Simplicity as Your Church Grows guide

Learn simple, repeatable ways today to eliminate complexity and be a model of simplicity. 

  • Imagine no one being confused about all your church does. 
  • Imagine knowing what your church should and shouldn’t do because you’re focused. 
  • Imagine more people getting involved because it’s easier to engage. 


These are just some of the things that happen when you fight for simplicity.

Download the free guide today and discover the path other churches already know.

orange curve
assimilation the secret to a growing thriving church
purple curve

Assimilation: The Secret to a Growing, Thriving Church

People love visiting your church.

They enjoy the music. The teaching challenges and encourages them. Their family feels welcomed. But they don’t get involved.

This is a common story for many churches. Getting people connected to your church community is hard, especially with larger congregations. Do it well and you lead a stronger, thriving church. Or struggle to assimilate and people feel disconnected.

Our latest resource, Assimilation: The Secret to a Growing, Thriving Church, provides the tactical framework for starting (or resetting) an assimilation plan in your church.

In this guide, you discover:

● The problems solved by a great assimilation plan
● Why so many churches struggle with this
● Practical steps you can implement today, especially in larger churches

assimilation the secret to a growing thriving church guide

No more uncertainty. No more confusion. No more complexity. Just a clear, proven roadmap you and your church can implement now.

● Imagine guests who quickly connect with the people of your church.
● Imagine not needing volunteers because people quickly find places to serve.
● Imagine your staff reaching more people because technology empowers them to help connect people.

These are just some of the things that happen when you successfully assimilate people in your church.

This guide shows you how your church can thrive by connecting more people. Download it today and see for yourself.

Download the free guide

Managing Relationships with Technology

Use technology to build stronger relationships

Turn your current database into a relationship engine

Relationships are critical to a healthy church. In larger churches, though, it’s hard to stay connected. You have more people attending, making it harder to really know who attends. People want to feel a sense of belonging. This happens when people know each other.

How do you overcome this problem? Technology.

Technology can accelerate the speed of relationships. In this free guide, Managing Relationships with Technology, you learn how technology is your best team member for managing more relationships.

Managing Relationships with Technology church guide

In this guide, you discover:

  • The problems that disappear once you manage relationships digitally.
  • Where most churches go wrong in this process.
  • Three ways to connect with more people with the tech tools you already have.

Imagine celebrating the highs and mourning the struggles.

Imagine centralizing everything, so you stay current at a glance.

Imagine connecting to more people in your church.

This could be your church. It starts by downloading our free guide today.

Download the free guide