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Giving & Contributions

Accept and manage gifts

Multiple Giving Options

Without donations, your ministry wouldn’t have the means to continue discipleship and serving those in your community and beyond. With our giving integrations, you can accept one-time or recurring digital gifts, such as online and text contributions, as well as cash and pledges.

ministryplatform batch manager tool

Batch Manager

Create donation batches and view all of your donation processing details on one screen. Create donations manually or scan checks, envelopes, or both from any location with a check scanner and the images will be saved on the donation record in MinistryPlatform.


Create online pledge campaigns for capital fundraising, mission trips, building funds, or any other special one-time fundraising efforts. Donors can pledge to each campaign and donate to meet their pledge while tracking how much they have given and how much they have left to meet their goal.


Contribution statements are important to present to your donors annually. However, giving the donor options to receive their statements based on their preferences ensures the statements are delivered efficiently. Donors can selected a preferred method for receiving their statements as well as how often they would like to receive them.


Get a complete view of stewardship in your church, parish, Diocese, or organization with multiple out-of-the-box dashboards and reports for giving. Customize dates and details on reports to make them work for you, including setting giving bands to better understand data related to specific giving levels.

Volunteer Management

Find and Place Volunteers

Opportunity Finder

Volunteers are at the heart and soul of your ministry. They are the ones behind every event and service you hold, which means recruiting for volunteer positions is a must! Publish volunteer opportunities to your website for members to view and respond to if they feel it is the right opportunity for them to serve.

church volunteer opportunity finder tool


Once you have volunteers recruited, you need a way to manage them and communicate with them. Organize your volunteer teams into groups associated with the appropriate events, and each volunteer can confirm or cancel participation. Team leaders can communicate with their volunteers and organize details ahead of each event.


Once your volunteers are organized into a group, they can check-in at a kiosk the day of the event to receive their name tag listing their group and volunteer role. This ensures those attending the event know who they can talk to if they need assistance or have a question.

church check in tool


Manage Attendees


Personalize the kiosk experience with themes for events and customized labels. Improve the check-in experience for attendees with multiple search options, the ability to check-in guests, and the option to add a family note.

church kiosks tool
church capacity management tool

Capacity Management

View capacity of each room and manage capacity by automatically closing rooms based on number of attendees. You can also enable Balance Priority to fill multiple rooms evenly or one by one according to your preferences.

Classroom Manager

Provide your teachers with a head’s up display of kids who are present. Using the Classroom Manager, teachers can view children who are checked-in, mark attendance during their event, manage children records, and send notifications to parents as needed. As safety is a priority, they can also identify persons who are not approved to pick up a child and check out a child to the appropriate parent or guardian.

church classroom management tool


Run reports on attendance for events, classes, or worship, such as the Selected Event Summary or Group Attendance reports. View attendance details for specific participation statuses, such as attended and confirmed, and for group role types, such as leader, participant, or servant.

Calendar & Events

Create Fellowship


We’ve got you covered from everything that happens on weekends (Sunday School, worship services, new visitor classes) to conferences, retreats, breakfasts, VBS, marriage seminars, camps, and so on. Share events on your calendar and through the PocketPlatform app. Search for events by month, year, ministry area, and more, then view event details and sign up for registration events.

Facilities, Rooms, and Resources

Events are more than a date and time; you need a room to hold the event in and resources to host the event. Manage capacities, layouts, and equipment in each room and reserve rooms and equipment. Go even deeper by leveraging our integrations to manage heating and cooling.


Allow members and guests to register for free or paid events, and capture additional information with custom questions. If a member logs in, they can pre-fill the event registration form for anyone within their household. As people register for events, their information is logged in the Platform.

church registration tool


Strengthen Relationships

Search & Sign up

Groups are where people can gather, learn, grow, and serve. They are the cornerstone of discipleship, accountability, and ministry. Nurture members into the fold by allowing them to find a group that’s right for them using the group directory or a keyword search.

church search signups tool
church attendance tool


Being a part of a group is one thing, but actually attending and being involved in group events is what facilitates growth. Allow group leaders to easily mark attendance for meetings from any device to track who in their groups IS actively involved.


Leverage PocketPlatform  to create group communications. Enable group chat to allow your active group members to create conversations. Plus, all group chat messages are recorded in the Platform, providing both security and transparency.

church communications tool


Know your people

In MinistryPlatform, you can capture everything you need to know about your congregants and parishioners from their family information to their activity to their engagement.

Personal Information

Capture contact information, professional information, and communication preferences for each member. 


Keep track of household members or create custom relationships to manage complex family situations or to identify other relationships a person has within the church.


View key information about a person, such as their overall engagement level, number of groups they’re in, or where they are in their spiritual journey, at a glance.


Store additional information about a member, such as allergies or t-shirt size, with custom attributes.