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Catholic Dioceses Church
Management Solutions
Serving the Church together.
By working together, we can create more opportunities for ministry.
Diocesan Office Staff
Not only do we equip your parishes with the best tools, we enable your diocesan staff to coordinate the flow of information in a standardized way. When there's consistency with how your churches capture information, there can be consistency with how that information is reported.
Local Parishes
Parishes are on the front lines of ministry, and it's important to make sure they have the tools and resouces to accomplish their mission. That's why Catholic dioceses turn to us for both our cloud-connected church management software and our large team of knowledgable support and consulting personnel.
Our Team
We have hundreds of dedicated support and consulting personnel who specialize in answering your questions quickly and accurately to help achieve your ministry goals. Your staff or local churches can reach our team via our 24/7 online help center, email, toll-free phone, or even personalized on-site visits.
Partners in the Great Commission
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”
– Matthew 28:19-20, NABRE
Love. Lead. Protect. Support.
PDS™ has been used in dioceses for nearly 30 years.
Diocesan offices operate as information hubs, sending information to and receiving information from its organizations. By standardizing your parishes on Parish Data System, you can automate the exchange of up-to-date family and financial information between your diocese and your parishes. Spend less time on administration and more time on decision-making.
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Connect Them All
Give all of your parishes one tool to manage data and connect back to your diocese.
Explore how PDS™ helps parishes:
Serving the Greek Archdiocese of America
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Works with
Know more about the people in your community.
New from ACST
Analytics, Maps, Reports, and More
Run your membership data against different community reports, like demographics, beliefs, religious affiliations, households, population, and more.
You can count on us.
We put everything we are into making the ministry of your diocese successful.
Nearly 50,000 churches served
Over 400 staff ready to serve
#1 rated in service
Family owned for over 40 years
Talk to an Expert
We’ve helped thousands of parishes reach their goals, and we’d love the opportunity to hear about what you hope to accomplish next. Our real, friendly experts are standing by to help you make the best possible decision. No obligation.