Launch Access ACS
Giving Toolkit

Launching a new giving solution is more than simply setting up your back-end processes. You want to communicate with your church the new ways to give, and we want to help. This toolkit is packed full of resources to help you launch Access ACS Giving to your church.

This toolkit includes:

rocket icon
Social media and web graphics
rocket icon
Buttons and icons for your website
rocket icon
Handouts promoting your new ways to give
rocket icon
Slides to use before or during worship to promote giving
rocket icon
And so much more!

Fill out this form to download your FREE Launch Access ACS Giving toolkit today!

You’ve chosen Access ACS as your online giving solution, and we’re here to help you have a successful launch! This toolkit provides you with videos, handouts, slides, offering cards, and so much more to communicate the new ways your church can give.



These slides should be worked into your usual pre-worship announcement slides to start building up interest in the new ways to give to your church.


Print these materials to start educating your congregation on why eGiving is important to your church.

online giving resources

Access ACS Online, Text, and Mobile App Giving


Print and place these posters around your church so members and guests can see their giving options.


These pre-worship slides serve as a reminder for your members and guests that they can give online, through text, or via the Church Life mobile app if they don’t have cash or check on hand.

Small Handouts

These small printables can be printed and handed out individually or inserted in your weekly bulletins to inform your members and guests of the many ways they can contribute financially.

Medium Handouts

Print these handouts to insert into your weekly bulletins or handout to members to instruct them on how to give to your church.


These brochures go a bit deeper into the how and why behind eGiving for those who may be new to the online concept of giving.

Offering Cards

Place these cards in your pews so those who are giving online, via text, or through the Church Life mobile app can still have something physical to drop in the offering plate.


Show this video during pre-worship announcements or on your website to give your members and guests more information on how to give.

3 easy ways to give

Other Resources


Additional social and website graphics to help you promote giving to your members and guests.

Website Buttons

Buttons to help you build out the giving page on your website.

Website Icons

Icons to use on your website to show the many ways to give with Access ACS.

giving resources
giving tuesday


Giving Tuesday is held each year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and is a day set aside for generosity. As churches are nonprofits, many take part in this day by highlighting their missions in hopes of additional gifts made to their ministry. We’ve created some graphics and slides to help you promote Giving Tuesday to your congregation and followers online.

This toolkit includes:

heart icon
Graphics for social media
heart icon
Slides for your worship announcements

Fill out this form for your FREE Giving Tuesday Toolkit!

Giving Tuesday is all about supporting a mission you feel passionate about, and churches are encouraged to participate. Many see your ministry and what you are doing in your local community and abroad and would love to show their support. Encourage others to prayerfully consider giving to your church and remind them if the many ways they can give to your ministry.


Use these free graphics on social media alongside stories of impact from your ministry to share the good your church is doing and how donations to your church support your ministry efforts.

giving tuesday


These slides are best used in your worship announcements slides to remind your congregation (and online viewers for those live streaming) about Giving Tuesday. Take time during your worship announcements to share a ministry story and remind your congregation and viewers how to give online and in person.

giving tuesday

Christmas Giving Toolkit

Christmas is a wonderful time to remind your contributors of the good your ministry has done throughout the year and plans to do in the following year, and how important their financial gifts are to those ministry efforts. Encourage meaningful giving this Christmas season with graphics, slides, and handouts.

This toolkit includes:

tree icon
Christmas graphics to encourage giving
tree icon
Handouts to show the many ways to give
tree icon
Worship slides to bring attention to meaningful giving

Fill out this form for your FREE Christmas Giving Toolkit!

Christmas is the time of year we remember the greatest gift ever given to us: Jesus Christ. As your church strives to honor Him each and every year, take this Christmas to tell how your ministry has shared the news of the great gift of Jesus Christ with others and ask your members and attendees (both in person and online) to prayerfully consider supporting your ministry with financial gifts so you can continue to do so in the coming year.


Download these graphics to promote giving on social media or your website this Christmas season.

christmas giving graphics


These worship slides serve as a reminder of giving this Christmas season. Each design includes a graphic slide as well as a matching empty slide where you can include details such as the ways your contributors can give or any special funds you’re promoting this Christmas.

christmas giving slides


Print these handouts to insert into your weekly bulletins or handout to members to instruct them on how to give to your church this Christmas.

christmas giving handouts

Spring Giving Toolit

Spring into giving with colorful graphics and slides, as well as announcement templates and handouts to encourage faithful giving during the spring season.

This toolkit includes:

flower icon
Colorful spring graphics
flower icon
Handouts sharing the multiple ways to give
flower icon
Worship slides
flower icon
Easter announcement templates
flower icon
And more!

Fill out this form for your FREE Spring Giving Toolkit:

Spring into giving this Easter season with colorful resource promoting the multiple ways your members and visitors can contribute.


Download these colorful graphics to promote giving on social media or your website.

church giving graphics


These pre-worship slides serve as a reminder for your members and guests of how they can give if they don’t have cash or check on hand.

church giving


Print these handouts to insert into your weekly bulletins or handout to members to instruct them on how to give to your church.

church giving handouts

Offering Cards

Place these spring-themed cards in your pews so those who are giving online, via text, or through the mobile app can still have something physical to drop in the offering plate.

church offering cards

Announcement Templates

Use these templates to tell your church more about the benefits and ways they can give this Easter.

church announcement templates

Disaster Relief Donations Toolkit

Disaster strikes in an instant. Churches answer the call to reach out to those affected by disasters to offer assistance in a time of great need. This toolkit provides resources to help you communicate the ways your church can accept offerings to aid those affected by recent disasters.

This toolkit includes:

first aid icon

Graphics to bring attention to current needs

first aid icon

Handouts promoting text giving for special donations

first aid icon

Slides showing how to give to disaster relief funds

Fill out this form for your FREE Disaster Relief Donations Toolkit:

Disasters such as hurricanes and floods affect so many each year, and your church answers the call to provide assistance to those in need during those times. We want to make it easier for you, so we’ve created resources you can use to educate your congregation on the ways they can financially support your church’s disaster relief efforts.

Download Handouts

Many read your church bulletin each week. Customize these handouts for your special disaster relief funds and include them in your bulletin or pass them out to those entering your church doors.

disaster relief donation handouts

Download Graphics

We’ve also created graphics you can use on your website and social media to promote special disaster relief offerings used to provide assistance to those in need during recent disasters.

disaster relief donation graphics

Download Slides

Customize these slides and show them during your pre-worship announcements or during your offertory so your members and guests know how to give to disaster relief funds.

disaster relief donation toolkit
abundant logo

Launch Abundant Giving


Launching a new giving solution is more than simply setting up your back-end processes. You want to communicate with your church the new ways to give, and we want to help. This toolkit is packed full of resources to help you launch Abundant eGiving to your church.

This toolkit includes:

Fill out this form to download your FREE Launch Abundant Giving toolkit today!

We’re excited you’ve chosen Abundant as your online giving solution, and we’re here to help you have a successful launch! This toolkit provides you with handouts, slides, offering cards, and so much more to communicate the new ways your church can give.



Use these graphics on social media and/or your website to promote the coming of new ways to give.


These slides should be worked into your usual pre-worship announcement slides to start building up interest in the new ways to give to your church.


Print these materials to start educating your congregation on why eGiving is important to your church.

online giving pre launch

Abundant Online and Text Giving


Print and place these posters around your church so members and guests can see their giving options.


These pre-worship slides serve as a reminder for your members and guests that they can give online and through text if they don’t have cash or check on hand.

Small Handouts

These small printables can be printed and handed out individually or inserted in your weekly bulletins to inform your members and guests of the many ways they can contribute financially.

Medium Handouts

Print these handouts to insert into your weekly bulletins or handout to members to instruct them on how to give to your church.

Offering Cards

Place these cards in your pews so those who are giving online or via text can still have something physical to drop in the offering plate.

text giving handouts

Abundant Online, Text, and Mobile App Giving


Print and place these posters around your church so members and guests can see their giving options.


These pre-worship slides serve as a reminder for your members and guests that they can give online, through text, or via your church’s mobile app if they don’t have cash or check on hand.

Small Handouts

These small printables can be printed and handed out individually or inserted in your weekly bulletins to inform your members and guests of the many ways they can contribute financially.

Medium Handouts

Print these handouts to insert into your weekly bulletins or handout to members to instruct them on how to give to your church.

Offering Cards

Place these cards in your pews so those who are giving online, via text, or through your church’s mobile app can still have something physical to drop in the offering plate.

text giving handouts

Other Resources


Additional social and website graphics to help you promote giving to your members and guests.

Website Buttons

Buttons to help you build out the giving page on your website.

Website Icons

Icons to use on your website to show the many ways to give with Abundant.

Announcement Templates

Use these templates to tell your church more about the benefits and ways they can give using Abundant.

giving resources

Launch Realm® eGiving


Launching a new giving solution is more than simply setting up your back-end processes. You want to communicate with your church the new ways to give, and we want to help. This toolkit is packed full of resources to help you launch Realm eGiving to your church.

This toolkit includes:

Fill out this form to download your FREE Launch Realm Giving toolkit today!

We’re excited you’ve chosen Realm as your online giving solution, and we’re here to help you have a successful launch! This toolkit provides you with videos, handouts, slides, offering cards, and so much more to communicate the new ways your church can give.

Step-by-Step Guide

Download this guide to walk through planning your launch. Start with the pre-launch checklist, then build your communication strategy and plans for your recurring givers to migrate to Realm eGiving from your previous giving solution. And, of course, follow through with a few post-launch actions to keep giving top of mind in your ministry.

Worship Slides

These slides remind your members and guests how they can give with Realm eGiving if they don’t have cash or checks. Consider using them as part of your pre-worship slideshow, pulpit announcements, and during your offertory time. You can use the PowerPoint version to edit in that software or the JPEG version to add as a background to your slide deck. Customize it by placing your logo, website, and text giving information on top of the JPEG background.

Social Media Graphics

Post these graphics across your social media channels to share how those who follow you online can financially support your ministry. You can use the [Design File] to edit in the software or use the JPEG version to add as a background in your preferred image creator and customize by placing your logo, website, and text giving information on top of the JPEG background. You can also use the JPEG files without customization and include giving information in your social media post text.

Announcement & Email Templates

Use these templates to help draft announcements for your bulletin or newsletter and emails you plan to send announcing your new giving options.


Customize these posters with your logo and giving information (giving URL, text giving keyword, etc.), then print them to place in the busiest areas of your campus to get the word out about your new giving solution.

Rack Cards/Bulletin Inserts

Customize these rack cards and print them to display at your Welcome Center or in the back of your worship pews or chairs to let your members and new visitors know how they can give to your ministry. You can also print these and include them in your weekly bulletin as an insert to draw attention each week.

Giving Web Icons

Use these icons and buttons to add graphic elements to your giving webpage. Also, check out our giving webpage examples below, built with Refresh Websites.

Covid - 19

Giving Toolkit

The COVID-19 pandemic closed many church doors and forced many things to go virtual, including online giving. This toolkit provides resources to help you communicate the ways your church can accept tithes and offerings during this pandemic.

This toolkit includes:

Fill out this form for your FREE COVID-19 Giving Toolkit:

We want to make it easier for you, so we’ve created resources you can use to educate your congregation on the ways they can continue to be faithful with their tithes and offerings during this time.

Download Postcards

At a time when many church doors are closed, you need to communicate the ways your congregation can continue to give to your church. We’ve created postcards you can print and mail to your faithful contributors showing the ways they can continue to give.

covid-19 postcards

Download Graphics

At a time when many church doors are closed, you need to communicate the ways your congregation can continue to give to your church. We’ve created postcards you can print and mail to your faithful contributors showing the ways they can continue to give.

covid-19 toolkit

Easter Toolkit

Resources to Grow Attendance & Giving

Every Easter serves as an opportunity for powerful ministry growth. We’ve created this free, comprehensive Easter Toolkit so that your church can make the most of the season, grabbing hold of all that God has in store for your community.

Use these
resources to:

family icon

Get more people to come to your
Easter services than ever before

palm icon

Grow your church by turning first-
time guests into regular attendees

giving icon

Increase giving by mastering
donation requests

easter egg icon

Engage children and keep them
coming back for more

Fill out this form and get your free toolkit today!

Easter is one of the most anticipated and celebrated times of the year for your church. It is a wonderful opportunity to reach new people, grow your church giving, engage more families and kids, and expand the Kingdom of God.

We want to help you have a fruitful Easter season, so we’ve created customizable resources including announcement slides, invitation cards, social media graphics, and pew cards. Be sure to check out the templated giving messages to help remind people why supporting the life of your church is important. Plus, we have included some fun, easy activities to get the children involved and entertained.

Invitation Cards

The tried and true – and still most effective – way of growing your church is through personal invites. Customize and print these invitation cards so everyone in your church has one to give out in the weeks leading up to Easter.

Website Banners

church invitation cards

In the weeks leading up to Easter, you should have a big, bold banner or pop-up on your church website with Easter event details and an option to “Plan Your Visit.” This link/button could lead to a simple webpage with event details, what to expect, and a contact form. Help people plan their visit by making general information about parking, kids, attire, and service flow easily accessible. It’s a great way to help people through the awkwardness of a new church experience and capture their information for easier follow-up later.

Worship Slides

easter web banners

Your worship announcement slideshow is a great place to remind your members of your Easter service and various giving options. Download and customize these slides to use for both your in-person and online worship slides.

Social Media Graphics

church guides

Social media is a great way for you to connect with your members and those who are potentially planning to visit your church this Easter. Our social media graphics are sized for the major platforms, and can also be used as images in your newsletter, on your website, or wherever you see fit. Encourage your members to share your posts to reach even more people.

Bulletin Messages

church guides

Your church bulletin keeps your members informed and is a ministry preview for the visitors you will have this Easter. What better way to tell them of your Easter service and all of your giving options than to include them in your bulletin? Customize these bulletin messages to make sure you grow attendance and generosity this Easter.


Your members and visitors this Easter may not be aware of the many ways they can conveniently donate to your church. Customize and print these bulletin inserts to show how easy it is to donate online or through text.


Church Bulletin Inserts

While mentioning the importance of tithes and offerings from the pulpit is one of the strongest ways to encourage generosity, we have to think of those who aren’t able to worship with us in person. Use this email template to get you started as you send your Easter service details along with a reminder of the impact of giving this season.


You would be setting a record if you had the email address of every single member in your church. Which is why we’ve created a template you can use to send a personalized letter through the mail requesting donations and communicating your Easter service details.


Even though online donations are common and popular these days, the action of dropping something into the offering plate is reverent and important for many. These offering cards can be placed in your church pews this Easter as an option for those who give online but still want to partake in offering time during your worship service.


church pew cards

Typically, families with kids will likely be the largest portion of visitors you see but, many of these children may not have much practice sitting in church. so, it’s a great idea to anticipate their involvement and make arrangements. Even small gestures go a long way in helping your youngest guests (and their families!) feel right at home when they join you on Easter.

church childrens activities

Rejoice in the Lord and this blessed holiday.

In all your planning, don’t miss the power of the moment by being caught up in the preparation of it. Remember that what we’re celebrating is a miraculous spiritual event that has brought hope to billions of people throughout history. When people come to worship and celebrate the resurrection at your church, it’s a big deal! All of your plans are important, but not as important as letting God lead you to reach your community profoundly this Easter. And remember, we’re praying with you, trusting that God will lead your church to big things for his glory!

hanging ornament
hanging ornament
hanging ornament

'Tis the season for giving!

hanging ornament
hanging ornament

We want to help you create the best year-end giving campaign for your ministry. Our Year-End Giving Toolkit is filled with resources to help you communicate to your congregation and grow giving this holiday season.

This toolkit includes:

gift box icon

6-Week Email Campaign plan
to boost your year-end giving

gift box icon

Giving appeal templates for letters or emails

gift box icon

Announcement templates to include
in your bulletin or newsletter email

gift box icon

Handouts showing ways to give and
best practices for contributors

gift box icon

Social media graphics including
post images and cover photos

gift box icon

Website graphics for pop-ups and headers

gift box icon

Slides to display during in-person
or virtual services

Fill out this form for
your FREE Year-End
Giving Toolkit:

The holidays are one of the most strategic times of the year in the life of the church. Statistics show that 1/3 of all annual giving occurs in December. For that reason, over 50% of nonprofits start planning a year-end appeal well before the end of the year. 

The question is, are you ready?

We want to help you create the best year-end giving campaign for your ministry. This toolkit is filled with resources to help you communicate to your congregation and grow giving this holiday season. Follow along as we guide you through using each resource to close out your year in ministry successfully.

Giving Appeals

Whether you’re mailing out letters or sending your giving appeals through email, a personal touch from the one your congregation recognizes most goes a long way. We encourage you to have your pastor sign giving appeals, so your contributors know the importance of their gifts to the ministry of your church. Insert statistics or personal stories of how your ministry has impacted the lives of others this year. These templates will get you started as you prepare your giving appeals.

Announcement Templates


It’s always best to reach people where they are. For those already engaged with your ministry, that starts with your bulletin and newsletter. They are both likely two of the first things you push new visitors and members to read and subscribe to. It’s where you give all the details for upcoming events and important announcements your members and guests need to know. Use these announcement templates as a starting point to get the word out about your holiday giving needs.

Direct-Response Email Campaign

Email is the #1 channel for driving online donations. A direct-response email campaign offers a cost-effective way to promote a year-end holiday fundraiser. Create a donor-centric message that will connect you with people and convert fence-sitters into generous givers.

Make progress by going backward.

November and December are the most popular months for year-end requests. Start with the end date of your holiday fundraising campaign and work backward to nail down the content and frequency of your email solicitation efforts. Launch a 6-week campaign that starts mid-November and ends on December 31. Send out one email each week to keep the campaign top-of-mind and drive readers to the website or other mediums to take action.


While spreading your campaign throughout the virtual world, don’t forget those sitting in your church each Sunday. Customize, print, and include these handouts with your bulletins each week during this holiday season. Of course, you can copy their content into an email newsletter or social post to share across all platforms.

ministry celebration announcement
giving announcement
best practices for year end donations
ministry support announcement
year end donation information
ministry celebration announcement

Social Media Graphics

Social media is the easiest and most cost-effective way to share your campaign. Here are some Christmas graphics you can use to share your message on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Include your online giving link in the post so contributors can donate right then and there. And don’t forget to update your cover photo.

church announcements

Website Graphics


Include graphics on your website to let your members and visitors know about your campaign. You can add a pop-up, update your header for this season, and create a new landing page with information about your campaign with links to give. Don’t forget to customize your giving form(s) to match your holiday giving campaign.


Slides are an easy way to remind your congregation to give during the service. Here are a few options you can use. 

For those slides showing the 3 ways your members and guests can give, be sure to customize by adding text to show the date and time of your Christmas service, your text giving keyword and number, and your church website where contributors can give online.

christmas giving announcement
giving announcement
giving announcement
giving announcement

Matthew 25:23 puts it this way: “Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little. I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your Master.” 

This Scripture rings true for every believer. Challenge and inspire your flock to be good stewards and generous givers so the church can be a relevant voice and redemptive influence in the community. Stay top-of-mind and instill a heart of generosity that’ll pay big dividends this holiday season. Make a profound impact in people’s lives and ring in the New Year on a high note.