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Children & Youth Ministry

Nurture the next generation with next-generation tools.

Provide an extra layer of child safety.

Keep kids safe by being intentional about knowing who they are, what allergies or special needs they have, and more.

Use check-ins to mark attendance.

Our check-in system adds a layer of safety, and it is also a great way to track how often your kids are attending. 

Find and manage your volunteers with ease.

Volunteers are easy to find in Realm®. Anyone in your church can note their willingness to work with kids, and you can easily reach out to them, get them trained, and put them into a volunteer pool for rotation.

Look up student information any time.

Information is always at your fingertips. Use the Realm Connect mobile app to look up students, see their family members, and even communicate with parents directly in the app.

What Youth Workers Love

Brittany Pound

“One of the things I am most excited about in Realm is tracking our kids through the process—building these objectives. We want you to know God is real, and that you can talk to God.”

- Brittany, Children’s Ministries

Manage events and parent communication.

Whether you’re bringing kids together weekly or for a special seasonal event or camp, Realm gives your staff the tools to handle meeting times, registrations, payments, communication, and more.

Make move-up Sunday a breeze.

It’s something that happens every year, but now instead of dreading the paperwork, you can easily promote kids from one grade to the next. 

Run a quick background check on youth workers.

Have confidence in the people serving at your church. It only takes a couple minutes, and the information is critical to your mission.

Stay connected to each other and to the ministry of your church.

Deepen relationships, celebrate milestones, boost giving, and participate in the work of the Lord. Download the “Connect – Our Church Community” app for iOS or Android devices. With Realm, it’s freely available to anyone in your church. 

person using realm connect app

All Tools

Centrally manage your check-in kiosks, assist with checking people in, run attendance reports, and view activity in real time.
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Coordinate groups that serve a specific purpose, like worship teams, elder boards, welcome ministry, food banks, and more.
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Groups and Classes
Using Groups is a great way to track children and youth as they move up in grades. You can also use groups to track attendance, set up recurring events like Sunday school, and communicate with parents.
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Background Checks
Know exactly who is volunteering, serving, working, and caring for your church family. We’ve partnered with Verified First to provide churches with the most comprehensive background checks available, and it integrates seamlessly right into Realm.
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Realm Church Management Tools for Profiles

Profiles & Directories

Realm Profiles help staff to understand every aspect of each individual’s journey in your church. View or manage contact information, define custom fields, see where they’re serving and more.

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Realm is securely built for your specific church. This means your pastors, staff, and every one of your members accesses Realm securely through encrypted connections.

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Realm Church Management Tools for Data Dashboards


From demographics about your congregation to stats for church health, Realm Dashboards are modern church tools providing leaders needed insight into their ministry.

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Realm Church Management Tools for Online Giving


All kinds! Assigned staff can set up funds, enter batch contributions, view reports, and send out statements via email or mail.

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person on website on laptop


Refresh Websites allows you to easily build a professional, user-friendly site using templates and drag and drop editing

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Realm Church Management Tools for Communication


Post to your newsfeed, send emails, share photos and events or chat with one or more to keep your congregation engaged and informed.

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Contribution Software for Churches


Enter and post batch contributions to general ledger at one time. Plus with an optional check reader, contributions will automatically be matched up to the right profiles.

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Realm Church Management Tools for Processes & Pathways


Pathways guide people through processes in your church, like welcome ministries, membership, youth protection, and more.

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Define your ministry areas and then create small groups, build teams, and assign leaders under the oversight of a specific ministry area.

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People can self-register, check-in on the Connect mobile app, invite lists of people, and coordinate all the little details.

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Check In


Centrally manage your check-in kiosks, assist with checking people in, run attendance reports, print name badges, and view activity in real time.

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Realm Church Management Tools for Background Checks

Background Checks

Know exactly who is volunteering, serving, working, and caring for your church family. We’ve partnered with Verified First to provide churches with the most comprehensive background checks available, and it integrates seamlessly right into Realm.

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Mobile App

Shepherd – Pastoral Care

Take your pastoral care ministry to the next level by giving your pastors and pastoral staff on-the-go mobile access to your church directory, groups, pastoral notes, and messages in Realm.

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Woman on her iPhone

Connect – Church Community

Connect with and share what’s going on at your church anytime. Contact your small groups, coordinate group activities, RSVP to church events and meetings, manage your giving, update your information, and more.

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Manage financial data in Realm using its fully integrated chart of account system to track transactions, set budgets, pay invoices, and run reports.

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With Payroll added on to Realm Accounting, you’ll be able to maintain employee information, track time and PTO, process payroll, and print checks. It will also include additional payroll reports, necessary tax forms, and more.

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