Keep your church safe in all areas with through Background Checks

Mitigate Risk Minimize Legal Liability Prevent Abuse in All Areas Save Time and Effort Protect Core Assets Encourage Peace of Mind

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Trust, but verify.

It’s never been more important to know exactly who is volunteering, serving, working, and caring for your church family. That’s why we have partnered with Verified First to provide the most comprehensive background checks for churches.

See How The Falls Church Anglican Keeps It's Community Safe with Background Screening

Seamless Integration

Safety doesn’t have to be complicated.

Realm’s seamless integration with our church background check software makes it easy to use and quickly manage your background screening needs. Order background checks directly through your Realm church management software and track history and progress along the way.

verified first background check
applicant pay

Applicant Pay

Relieve your screening budget.

Protect your church while removing financial burdens with our Applicant Pay Serving Volunteer package. This package allows your volunteers to support your ministry by paying for their screening.


Limit access to screening.

Privacy is important when screening your staff and members. In Realm, you can designate which staff members have the ability to view, submit, and manage background checks.

realm background checks
verified first logo

Screen for critical information in the top worldwide databases.

realm background checks

Follow Up & Renewal

Better manage background checks for church volunteers.

You can search for cases where follow-up is needed or when it’s time for a renewal, as well as query and report on other key background check information all directly in Realm, enabling your volunteers to stay up-to-date on their screenings.


Packages to fit your needs.

Background screening for churches isn’t one size fits all. Each role within your church requires different levels of screening, which is why we’ve created packages that fit those roles. Plus, add-ons enable you to dig even deeper when needed.

Background checks are already part of Realm.

Getting started is super simple:

  1. Sign in with administrative permissions.
  2. Under the Admin menu, click “Manage Realm Account.”
  3. Click the “Additional Features” tab.
  4.  In the Background Checks section, click “Learn more.”
  5. Click “Sign up for background checks.”
  6. Complete the provided application form.

Feature Highlights

Better manage your church’s faithful volunteers

Share this information with others in your church.

People make ministry happen.

Foster a culture of ministry participants, not ministry consumers.

realm volunteer management

Know where your congregation’s spiritual gifts lie.

Skills and Interests allow staff to know what spiritual gifts each person has and how they can best serve the church. Staff can completely customize skills and interests which can also be self-selected by your congregation.

realm spiritual gifts
edit serving role

Create roles for your volunteer needs.

Every volunteer plays a crucial role in your church. That’s why Realm church volunteer management system allows you to build the unique roles you need. Whether it’s help in the nursery, an usher or greeter, or anything else, you can create the role in Realm.

Group roles into teams.

In Realm church management software your volunteers  are stronger when they work as a team. Organize your roles into teams so you can easily communicate with them, create schedules, and more.

realm group role teams
realm create volunteer schedule

Volunteer Scheduling Tools

Create and communicate volunteer schedules.

Realm church volunteer scheduling software provides staff and serving team leaders with each congregant’s serving preferences and scheduling conflicts to make the headache of creating schedules easy. And when life happens, volunteers can even request to find replacements to serve.

Church Volunteer Management Tools

Give time back to staff.

Managing volunteers can be a time consuming role for staff. Realm allows staff to select serving team leaders who manage their team’s rosters and schedules, help check in volunteers, mark attendance, and more. They can even access a volunteer dashboard for attendance metrics and overall management of their teams.

realm give time back

Want to see Realm Volunteers in action?

Check out our new webinar for an in-depth look at how Realm Volunteers can revolutionize how your church does volunteering.

realm browse by role

Find the right volunteers.

The church often looks to their congregation in times of need. Realm church volunteer software allows the church to communicate all volunteer opportunities to the congregation. Congregants can then find these opportunities in Realm or the Realm Connect mobile app and express interest to serve.

Background Checks

Clear people for ministry roles.

Use our integrated background check services to verify someone’s readiness to serve. Simply select the person you want to verify and choose which kind of background checks you want to run.

Integrated Background Checks Verify that a Volunteer is Ready to Serve
Train Your Volunteers with Our Easy-to-Use Church Management Software

Training Pathways

Equip your leaders.

Train your leaders for ministry. Use Pathways to guide them through each step of your volunteer training process, monitor their progress, and assign pastoral staff to follow up with them individually.

Volunteer Groups

Create serving groups based on gifts and talents.

Build ministry teams based on how people serve (e.g. worship team, greeters, youth, etc.) and use your ministry areas to help organize how your volunteer groups are structured.

Manage Volunteers using Groups and Individual Interests
Realm Volunteers

Volunteer Check-In

Keep track when volunteers show up to serve.

Check-in isn’t just for children. Use a volunteer check-in kiosk to keep track of who is actively serving at any moment. It’s a centralized way to make sure you have people where they’re supposed to be.

Email Volunteers Directly Through Your Church Management Software System

Volunteer Emails

Communicate directly to volunteer groups.

Send messages and files to anyone involved in a volunteer group. You can send out general information, distribute important files, and post new service opportunities for people to consider.

Feature Highlights

Quick and efficient check-in solution for your church

Share this information with others in your church.

It's as much about efficiency as it is about safety.

See How Realm's Check-In System Can Help Your Church

Mobile Check-In

Remove bottlenecks in the check-in process.

Provide a safe, efficient way for individuals, families, and children to check-in via the Connect app. Members can check in for events, groups, or serving teams.

realm mobile check in
Create a Welcoming Environment with Customizable Check-In Kiosks

Customizable Kiosks

Create a welcoming environment.

Making a great first impression with families is easy in Realm® with customizable check-in kiosks, helping you set a tone of trust and security while enabling quick, seamless check-in.

Automatic Attendance

Attendance that makes its own mark.

There’s no need for your church to mark attendance when your check-in system does it for you. Realm church management software reduces manual tasks while increasing accuracy and giving you powerful insights that help you care for families.

Realm's Check-In System Automatically Tracks Attendance
Children's Ministry Self-Serve Check-In

Self-Serve Check-In

Eliminate the line at the kiosk.

Optimized for accuracy and speed with minimal staff involvement, members can use a touch-screen optimized interface to indicate who they’re checking in and quickly print name tags from a kiosk. Members can also scan a barcode generated from the mobile check-in process in the Connect app to quickly print badges.


Ensure children are in the right hands.

Realm Check-In puts security at the forefront for your children’s ministry. Customize badges and add a Security ID to match parents with their children so no one else can pick the child up from your ministry events. Also make critical information, such as allergies, medical needs, and emergency contact information, visible for each child on their badge.

church event badge template

Feature Highlights

Manage church events from big to small

Share this information with others in your church.

Create moments for fellowship and growth.

See How Realm's Event Management Software Can Help Your Church


Provide opportunities for ministry.

Getting together should be simple. All you need is a time, place, and purpose. Realm® church management software makes it easy for your church to schedule events and organize the important details that go with them.

Organize and Manage Events for Your Church with Realm's Scheduling System
Display Your Events on the Church Calendar so Everyone Knows What is Going On

Church Calendar - Church Event Software

Share what’s going on.

Help everyone stay connected with what’s happening in your church community. Realm’s church event software ensures everyone knows about upcoming events. Create Custom Calendars to share across Google Calendar, iCal, and Outlook seamlessly. Empower staff to share and showcase group and registration events on your church’s website.

Registration - Church Event Registration Software

Stop counting heads.

Give your church the ability to register for the events they plan to attend with Realm as your church event registration software. You can get an anticipated headcount, know better how to plan, capture additional registrant information, collect payments, and more.

Online Event Registration for Your Church
Accept Payment for Church Events with Realm's Online System


Accept payments online.

Collect payment for events such as camps, retreats, kids’ programs, and more. You can offer partial payments, track balances, require deposits, and enter payment details for any offline transactions.

Recurring Events

Same time. Same place.

Using Realm as your church event scheduling software, easily set up recurring events for small groups, elder teams, boards, staff, and more. Recurring meetings are displayed with your group’s details and show up in your personalized church events screen.

Set Up Recurring Events Through Event Management Software
People Can RSVP with Comments Using Realm's Event Management System


Make your presence known.

Give people the opportunity to let others know whether or not they will be there. As people respond, they can also sign up to bring things, add guests, reply to comments, or add the event to their phone’s calendar.

What to Bring - Church event planning software

Coordinate who is bringing what.

Planning is easier with Realm as your church event planning software. Organize what items people can sign up to bring to your next event. You can set the quantity of items you need and let people choose what and how many they want to bring.

Coordinate Who is Bringing What to Your Church Events
Communicate with Event Registrants Anytime with Realm's Church Event Management System

Contact Lists

Follow up with registrants anytime.

Whether you want to send communication prior to an event or after it, you can look up an event’s registrant list to email individuals or send something to everyone. You can also print the list any time.

Custom Questions

Capture information prior to events.

Sometimes you need to know something about the people who’ll be at your event such as t-shirt size or meal preference. Realm helps you gather the information you need using custom registration form questions.

Use Customized Questions to Capture Necessary Informaiton Prior to Events

Feature Highlights

Tools to manage your church’s small groups

Share this information with others in your church.

Create more ways to connect and build relationships across your church.

Learn How Small Group Management in Realm can Help Your Church
Communicate with Small Groups Quickly and Effortlessly

Group Communication

Find the right audience.

Communicating with groups in your church can be a struggle, especially when you need to get information out quickly. However, small group management in Realm® lets you do that  effortlessly while enabling group members to communicate with ease. Group members can be notified via email, in-app notifications, and even texts, allowing them to stay in contact with their groups.

Ministry Areas

Simple setup, powerful structure.

Realm church  management software makes it easy to set up a group structure for your ministries, letting you quickly create groups that meet specific ministry objectives and assign responsibilities to the appropriate people.

Organize Your Church Small Groups by Ministry Area
Designate Leaders for Your Church Small Groups

Leadership Delegation

Give leaders the tools to lead.

In Realm, create groups with profiles, meetings, rosters, and resources; then delegate small group management in your church to the people best suited to keep everything up to date — the group leaders.

Group Search

Encourage group involvement.

Using Realm’s Find Groups feature, congregants can view group details and request to join those that fit their interests, needs, or ministry affinities.

realm groups
Track Attendance Data for Your Churhc Small Groups

Attendance Dashboard

Know who’s connected and who’s not.

Realm’s attendance dashboard gives you immediate insight into attendance patterns of small groups in your church with the ability to pivot on date ranges, campuses, ministry areas, demographic attributes, and much more.

Parent Oversight

Give parents insight into their child’s groups.

Realm’s Parent Oversight option keeps parents informed and gives them peace of mind knowing they are viewing all communication their child is receiving.

realm parental groups

Feature Highlights

Manage workflows within your church with Pathways

Share this information with others in your church.

Structure and accountability for important internal processes.

New Visitor Follow Up Pathway screenshot on laptop mockup as video cover photo

Custom Pathways

Create paths to growth.

Whether it’s visitor follow-up, new member education, personalized discipleship, or volunteer training, Realm® lets you define and oversee the steps, activities, and outcomes of any process.

Pathways screenshots
Pathways screenshots

Follow-up Triggers

Never miss an opportunity.

Set automated triggers for following up at predefined process steps and create system-initiated actions at activity completion to make sure people are never left waiting but keep moving forward.

Granular Delegation

Share the work. Increase the impact.

Realm enables you to assign Pathway oversight at granular levels, allowing you to distribute specific roles to the right people while maintaining overall control, management, and insight.

Pathways screenshots

Feature Highlights

Make managing contributions easier for your church staff

Share this information with others in your church.

Enter contribution details quickly and accurately.

Learn How Realm can Help Your Church Track Contributions

Giving Dashboards

Get deep insights at a glance.

You don’t always have time to dig deep into the data, so Realm® church management software serves up meaningful, actionable—you might even say beautiful—insights through your own personal giving dashboard making it easier to track church contributions.

The Giving Dashboard Shows In Depth Insights to Your Church Contributions
Save Time and Quickly Export Year End Contribution Statements

Year-End Statements

Enjoy more free time next January.

Realm’s church contribution software takes the hassle out of year-end statements. It can export statements as PDFs to be mailed, or you can save some time and money by emailing statements to anyone who has given you their email address. Realm church management tools do it all and summarize the whole process for you on one screen.

Contribution Batches

Multiply your efficiency.

Give your financial staff the ability to quickly record, manage, and track contributions, whether through rapid entry of cash and check donations, automatic posting of online church contributions made through Realm Online Giving for churches, or importing from other systems.

Quickly Record, Manage, and Track Church Contributions in Batches
realm contributions and responsibilities

Staff Permissions

Control who can view or enter contributions.

Giving information is sensitive in nature. Realm gives you administrative control over who can view contribution information and also who can enter or post gift information. It’s all up to you and who you want to give contribution responsibilities.

Check Scanners

Scan multiple contribution checks at once.

Quickly and accurately enter large volumes of contributions. Realm’s check scanning automatically matches gifts to your donors and stores high quality front and back images of the scanned checks in its church contribution tracking software. Its intuitive design gets the job done fast and allows you to review all checks before posting. (Windows OS support only. Not compatible with macOS.)

Canon CR-120 Contribution Check Scanner

Canon CR-120 Check Scanner

Canon CR-120 Check Scanner
Canon Ink Cartridge

Canon CR-150 Contribution Check Scanner

Canon CR-150 Check Scanner

Cannon Cr-150
Cannon Ink Cartridges

Feature Highlights

Online and mobile giving tools for your church donors

Share this information with others in your church.

Accept all modern options for giving.

realm giving

Our comprehensive approach to online giving for churches covers everything you need within the big picture of church eGiving: single or recurring electronic payments, pledges, appeals, donor management, fund management, batch entry, check scanning, self-service contribution statements, and reporting.

We have never been more equipped to serve all church online giving and offering needs. With the most flexible payment methods, you have 6 different ways to accept church tithes and offerings so your church stays up-to-date with changing technology. Plus, it’s fully integrated into our Realm church management software.


Accept payments virtually anywhere and any time.


Enable people to give to your church from the mobile app.


Quickly scan checks and enter them in batches.


Make it super easy for anyone to give immediate donations.


Track and enter cash amounts even if it's a little old school.


Give people the opportunity to track giving toward target amounts.

Online Giving with Realm Allows People to Donate to Your Church 24/7

Online Giving

Accept offerings 24/7.

With online giving in Realm, you can accept one-time or recurring gifts using debit cards, credit cards, or eChecks (ACH) and give to multiple funds or In Memory of.* When a contributor pays tithes online, it immediately shows up in the individual’s giving history, along with any other online, text, or offline contributions.

*ACH not available in Canada.

Text Giving

Give in seconds.

Provide your donors the most convenient way to give. Text your church’s unique keyword and amount to the giving number provided. It’s that simple!

text giving
People Can Give Online to Your Church Staight From Their Mobile Phone

Mobile Giving

Giving is never out of reach.

The Realm Connect mobile app allows people to give anywhere anytime. Using this church giving and tithe app, they can donate, view their giving history, and make and track pledges.

Recurring Giver Migration Tool

Reduce the risk of losing recurring gifts.

Seamlessly transition recurring givers from a third party online giving solution to Realm eGiving with a dashboard and templated emails that tells you and your donors the status of their gift migration status.

realm giving migration tool
Create Pledge Campaigns with Realm Online Giving to Reach Your Ministry Goals Faster

Pledge Campaigns

Meet ministry needs faster.

Raise money for important ministry needs by accepting pledges for a particular fund during a specified date range. Pledges may be added within the campaign dates, and you can choose whether to allow prepayments and post-payments to the pledge. When people make a contribution to that fund during the campaign period, the gifts will be added to the campaign total.

Online Pledging

Collect pledges more efficiently.

Online Pledging in Realm provides your church with an online pledge card and customizable pledge forms to match your campaigns. Plus, your contributors can add a recurring gift to fulfill their pledge quickly and easily after submitting their online pledge.

realm general fund
Contributions screenshots


Customize automatic thank you notes.

Realm immediately sends out a “thank-you” email whenever an online contribution is automatically processed. Just add a personal note, and Realm will automatically add it to a standardized email. The email also provides a link for the individual to go online and review all of their own giving history.


Use the past to build the future.

Full giving history is available to staff, providing a wealth of information to deliver insights, complete operations, and shape ministry. Plus, donors can easily access their own giving history and statements.

Contributions screenshots

Giving Resources

Implement online giving with our help.

We’ve compiled materials to get you started as you prepare to launch Realm eGiving. These include guides, graphics, handouts, offering cards, and so much more. All are downloadable and customizable to fit your needs.

easier ways to give your tithes and offerings

Feature Highlights

Know your church family with detailed profiles

Share this information with others in your church.

Know more about the people in your church.

Learn How Profile Management in Realm can Help Your Church
Track Sacraments for Church Members with Ministry Profile Management Software


Document spiritual life milestones.

Celebrate important moments in someone’s life. Realm church profile management software offers both Catholic and Protestant preferences for tracking sacraments. You can edit your default sacrament list at any time and customize the information you want to record for each. You can also change the Sacraments tab label to match your church tradition.

Custom Fields

Track what’s most important to your staff.

Your church is unique, and so is the information you rely on. With Realm ministry profile management software, you can create unlimited custom profile fields with powerful control over field labels, attributes, and access — you can even let people view and update custom fields for themselves.

Profiles are Fully Customizable So You Can Manage What Matters Most to Your Church
Assign Responsibilities to Church Staff to Manage Tasks and Keep Member Info Private

Security Levels

Keep confidential information secure.

Realm understands that different people in your church should view select information about people. Control access to confidential information on all levels by selecting privacy options for member statuses and assigning roles to staff and lay leaders without compromising the security of your members.

Member Updates

Data that reflects real life.

Realm’s church people profile management software enables your congregation to manage their own profiles and family information. Automatic validation and normalization gives you confidence that your data is always clean and ready to work for you. 

Members Can Manage their Own Profiles so Your Church Always has the Latest Info
Create a Church Directory from Authroized Member Profiles for Increased Community and Engagement

Church Directory

Connect every face and every name.

In Realm’s church management system, staff can invite people to connect in real life by making it easy for them to see an online photo directory of individuals and families within your church or search for people by name.


Comprehensive views of every individual.

Realm Profiles allows staff to understand every aspect of each individual’s journey in your church. From seeing or updating their contact information, where they’re serving or any groups they’re a part of, to tracking the people that are attending your church events, you can do all this and more with Realm Profiles.

realm profiles

Feature Highlights